Uses of Class

Packages that use PeerHashSet
jxl.peermi An extention of the standard RMI classes to enable true p2p, bidi rmi. 

Uses of PeerHashSet in jxl.peermi

Subclasses of PeerHashSet in jxl.peermi
 class PeerManager<T extends PeerRemote>

Methods in jxl.peermi with parameters of type PeerHashSet
<T> java.util.Collection<T>
Multicast.multicast(PeerHashSet<? extends PeerRemote> peers, MethodCall<T> call)
          Make a multicast method invocation on the remote peers in peers.
<T> java.util.Collection<T>
Multicast.multicast(PeerHashSet<? extends PeerRemote> peers, MethodCall<T> call, LimitedSearch<T> filter)
          Make a multicast method invocation on peers using filter to filter the results and to limmit the number of returns.